Hmm… plain kraft doesn’t look magic or old though. This will hold the curl + be how you attach the menu onto a stick.
when you release it you can then relax it into more of a light curl. Use a pencil to help you curl the top and bottom of the paper up TIGHT.Once typed up ( has a Harry Potter font free), print out onto (I used kraft) 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock.Everything else is just stuff from the fridge that I knew we’d enjoy nibbling on for dinner as we watched the movie.
“apple potion” is apple juice + a dash of sprite. I just took details and names from the book and matched them up to plain food we were going to eat anyhow. I’m reminded to use my crafty skills more often, and for the good of my family! If you are a crafter and you have some cardstock, there is an amazing amount you can do with just a bit of imagination and a few minutes. With a little typing, and just a few things from my craft stash I was able to make a centerpiece for our party that I talked about yesterday.